Welcome To Lagarde Insurance Group Insuring Employers with Big Goals
For more than 20 years, Lagarde Insurance Group has been providing life and health insurance services to businesses.
Our Mission
We strive to establish a long-standing relationship with our clients. We have a long track record of working in the insurance industry with honesty and integrity; we have maintained a great relationship with our carriers.
Employee Benefits
When it comes to providing employee benefit plans, we at Lagarde Insurance Group will only offer our products and services after having a thorough consultation with our clients.
We provide group health programs, group dental, life insurance , short and long term disability programs and many more employee benefit services to employers.
Individual Benefits
At Lagarde Insurance Group, we also specialize in providing individual benefits to our clients. We specialize in Medicare Insurance plans, health insurance, life insurance disability plans, any significant dental insurance policies and more.
Our insurance proposals are customized based on your requirements. We are a locally-owned and operated company, ready to meet our clients at their office.
Connect with us to receive a personalized employee benefits solution.
Contact us for a customized proposal.